5th Grade Japanese Pagodas

5th Grade Japanese Pagodas
in watercolor

Knowledge: History of Pagoda architecture.
Students will learn that architects use geometric & free-form shapes & forms to design buildings.

Students will compare & contrast different cultures architecture. They will study & create a piece of art based on Asian architecture

Video explaining pagoda science: https://youtu.be/uG37gQSvrf4

Vocabulary: Foreground, Middle-ground, Background 
Activity: Each student will create their own pagoda based upon the traditional Japanese architecture. They will put mountains or hills in the background and paint a tree

Day 1: Motivation. Watch video, discuss the science of a pagoda and the benefits it has in a seismically active country like Japan. Discuss Japanese culture and what the pagoda was used for.
Day 2: Do a guided drawing of a pagoda. (Retrospective: Demo making your own stencil by folding cardstock and drawing the traditional pointed roof on one side and cutting.)
Day 3: Finish drawing pagoda by adding texture to the roof, windows and doors. Draw a tree if time allows 
Day 4: Watercolor demo and students begin watercolor of the background (Demo hills/mountains)
Day 5: Paint tree and pagoda (limited color pallet)
Day 6: Critique, choose some for hall, mount on black/red paper 


VA:Cr2.1.5a I CAN develop my art making skills by experimenting and practicing different techniques.
EQ- How do artists and designers learn from trial and error?
VA:Cr2.2.5a I CAN demonstrate quality craftsmanship thru care for and use of materials, tools, and equipment.
Diversity [Teaching Tolerance] Social Justice Standard: Students will respectfully express curiosity about the history and lived experiences of others and will exchange ideas and beliefs in an open-minded way. 

Images for a hand-out or inspiration:

Goju-no-to Pagoda, Miyajima, Hiroshima
Photograph by Peter Stewart

 Mt Fuji Japan Chureito Pagoda. Photo by Peter Stewart

Kinryuzan Temple at Asakusa
by Tsuchiya Koitsu

The pagoda of Seigantoji and Nachi no Taki Waterfall, Japan↑
