1st grade Koi Pond art lesson

1st grade Koi Pond Art LessonMotivation: Watch short video about japanese koi ponds

Talk about how artists can be inspired by nature
Compare/contrast (respond) to two pieces of art that have the same subject.

I CAN: Compare images that have the same subject 

It’s best to work in stations (centers) for this lesson.
Day 1: Station 1- Make "water" painted paper (blue, white green) In watercolor resist. watercolor paints, brushes, white crayons, thick paper  Station 2- Make rock painted paper. Show examples of rocks, look at colors and have a grey mixing station using white, black, brown, and red 
Day 2: Step by step guided drawing of a koi fish on white paper. Materials: pencil, white paper
Day 3: Station 1- Have koi stencil for absent students who missed guided drawing. Allow other students to make more fish for their pond using stencil. Station 2- Station for tracing and painting koi (watercolors, or quik-stix)  
Day 4: Station 1- Cutting station for reeds &/or lily pads in green paper. Materials: green paper, scissors, green, white and black crayons
Day 5: whole class assemble (no stations)

Possibly do a 3D element for this lesson. Fold paper to make 3d grass for example
